LGBTQIA+ Psychotherapy

“Queer not as being about who you are having sex with, but queer as being about the self that is at odds with everything around it and has to invent and create and find a place to speak and to thrive and to live.” – Bell Hooks

I provide virtual psychotherapy for LGBTQIA+ humans in Washington state.

Queer therapy at my practice empowers and nurtures the diverse ways of being that LGBTQIA+people embody by providing counseling, education and community programs that uplift queer, trans and gender expansive lives. All services at Courageous You are queer informed and affirming with an emphasis on queer resilience and vitality and creating safe spaces for queer folx to live their most authentic lives. 

Here at Courageous You, I utilize strengths-based, person-centered, trauma-informed, and evidence-based treatment modalities in my work with queer folx. As a queer human myself, I integrate aspects of queer theory, mindfulness and embodiment practices, sex-positive, and relationship affirming treatment, and social justice advocacy in my work. 

Engaged and open, my therapeutic style is grounded in intersectionality, queer liberation and compassion. Vital to the work we’ll do, is understanding how cultural and social structures impact your mental health, alongside your family of origin story that influences how you show up today.

You’re the driver of your healing, and the expert of your own story. You set the goals of therapy, as well as the pace at which we’ll work. I value where you want to go in your work, and actively seek not to impose my own agenda onto you. The parts of you that have been abused, removed, neglected, and devalued are welcome here. 

Remember, you are resilient; in spite of your trauma, hardship and struggles. Each of us has the ability to heal ourselves, often with loving, boundaried and challenged support. It would be an honor to work with you and be a part of your healing journey.

How it works:

I believe it’s possible to move from survival mode to a place of ease. You can thrive, live your purpose and find your joy … even in these challenging times.

You might be wondering what therapy with me looks like, and it’s a good question. 

While I bring clinical expertise, you are the expert on your own life and our collaboration in healing is everything. I show up as a real person and believe that everyone is doing the best they can, when they can. I’ll help you identify your strengths, cultivate your internal and external resources, and make concrete plans that are in line with your goals. 

In your therapy with me, we also look at how our world shapes us. This means looking at social/cultural factors and political influences and their influence on how you got to where you are.  At the same time, we will take a look at your unique life blueprint and how the experiences you’ve had (both the positive and the challenging ones) helped to create your current reality. 

I then use a mix of out-of-the-box and evidence-based practices to help my clients get to where they want to be. 

These May Include:

– Parts work

– Somatic Techniques 

– The Gottman Method 

– Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 

– Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

– Motivational Interviewing 

– Creative Expression 

– Narrative Therapy

Sessions are 50 minutes in length and my current rate is $165/hour. I have a limited number of sliding scale spots available for clients who are unable to afford the full session cost at this time. Reach out to me at to discuss the sliding scale options available for my clients. 

If you’re ready to start your healing journey, you can set up your free consultation with me now to see if we are a good fit.